Thursday, April 12, 2012

Twitter Trends: #Top100Lies

Thursday April 12 at 10pm #Top100Lies was the 3rd most trending topic on twitter. This is a list of 100 lies that people where posting and ones that I thought should be included! If you can think of any others that should be added post them in a comment!
1 That was my last piece of gum.
2 Sorry I missed your call… I was in the shower.
3 I’m on my way right now.
4 Sorry, (s)he is not home right now, can I take a message.
5 hmmm, I never got that text.
6 We should do lunch.
7 You look great in those jeans.
8 I have never had plastic surgery.
9 I believe you.
10 I trust you.
11 I agree with the terms and conditions.
12 I can stop anytime I want.
13 It’s okay.
14 I’m sorry.
15 I don’t know what you are talking about.
16 I won’t hurt you.
17 It wasn’t me.
18 Chris Brown and Rihanna are great together.
19 They are real.
20 Taylor Swift can’t sing.
21 Cartoons are for kids.
22 Bratz dolls are a great toy for young girls.
24 Its fine.
25 I swear!
26 JK
27 LOL
28 I’m over you.
29 It not you, it’s me.
30 Can’t drive, no gas.
31 I’ll pay you back.
32 I’ve never peed in a pool.
33 I don’t speed.
34 I don’t have homework tonight.
35 I won’t do it again.
36 I will start a diet tomorrow.
37 Toddlers and Tiaras is the worst show.
38 Dave Matthews, like, he gets me.
39 I would never waste my time facebook stalking.
40 Can’t I’m really busy.
41 I would never lie to you.
42 Conspiracy theories are bogus.
43 What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
44 I hate kids.
45 I never have break outs like this.
46 Have to take the elevator, asthma.
47 I’m not mad.
48 The economy is fine.
49 I look nothing like my mom.
50 (s)he loves me even though (s)he hurts me.
51 I love you.
52 I love you, too.
53 I’m not jealous.
54 I thought I told you.
55 I miss you.
56 I didn’t do it.
57 Miracles don’t happen.
58 I didn’t realize I was speeding officer.
59 I’m over you.
60 I’m getting another call.
61 The Eucharist isn’t really Jesus.
62 I can change him.
63 I’m cool.
64 I have never broken the 4th Commandment.
65 I’m fine being single.
66 Valentine’s Day is stupid.
67 All Irish are drunks.
68 I know what I’m doing.
69 I hate Twilight.
70 A fetus is not a human.
71 My phone has been dead all day.
72 Abortion is the only way to deal with an unwanted pregnancy.
73 Jesus was a prophet.
74 GTL everyday for life!
75 Euthanasia is a honorable way to die.
76 Sorry, I can’t go on a date with you, I have a boy/girlfriend
77 I LOVE the sweater you got me grandma!
78 I could never spent my money on that!
79 God only loves those who love him.
80 Tim Tebow is lame.
81 You not bothering me at all.
82 Gluttony only concerns food.
83 It is impossible for a baby to survive an abortion.
84 The media does not have an agenda
85 Jesus did not die for us.
86 Jesus’ Mom , Mary, did not stay a virgin for her whole life.
87 It is okay to act on lust.
88 You don’t deserve forgiveness.
89 People don’t judge you on how you dress.
90 You don’t deserve to be happy.
91 I’m not scared of the future.
92 God hates ______.
93 Sex has no consequences.
94 There is no way there could be a Trinity.
95 There is no afterlife.
96 All the fun people go to hell.
97 I have nowhere to go.
98 No one cares about me.
99 My life has no meaning.
100 There is no God.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What 17 Magazine Didn't Tell You About Birth Control

The April 2012 issue of Seventeen Magazine ran what I guess you can call an article, but it is really quotes from 3 teens about the types of birth control they take, titled “What no one tells you about birth control” (you can find it on page 92).  All of these quotes have positive, it has changed my life, better then sliced bread, tones to them. While I was reading this all I could think was that I know this, and I know that, and you have to be clueless not to know that! So in response to this article I’m going to tell you the things you are less likely to know about birth control.

Intrauterine Device (IUD) “No one will ever know I’m on it”

Intrauterine devices are placed in a woman by a doctor and will keep a fertilized egg from settling in the lining on the uterus. If you believe that life begins at conception then this is not the birth control for you. I personally classify these devices as abortifations, because they cause “mini” abortions. The sperm has fertilized the egg creating an embryo. The IUD keeps the embryo from implanting in the lining of the uterus, and since it never settles it can never fully develop into a fully grown baby. I must stress that conception HAS occurred with this type of birth control. No one has know you have it but you, your doctor, God, and all the children that where conceived and never born.

Depo-Shot “I don’t need to remember it everyday”
This is a shot that you get about every six months. Mechanisms of action are not very clear. However, it is believed to alter the cervical mucus and the endometrial environment preventing penetration by sperm, and prevent implantation of an embryo. Also it may suppress ovulation. Altered cervical mucus, could be a change in its density and/or a change in its acidity level.  This along with change in the endometrial environment makes it hard for sperm to survive when in a woman. It also could prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, because of the change in the endometrial environment. Suppressing ovulation will keep the ovaries from releasing and egg each month.

The Pill “It cleared up my skin”
Yes the pill will clear up your skin, its true. The pill is full of hormones that will keep you skin pretty clear. And if that’s the only reason your taking the pill, don’t call it birth control, call it hormones. However, I worked for a cosmetics retailer for a while, and I feel I can say confidently that keeping a strict skin care regimen with washing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and using specialty products will keep your skin clear too.
There are many different types of “the pill”, but most just generally change hormone levels to inhibit ovulation, thins the cervical mucus, and prevent implantation of the embryo of the uterus.
“The Pill” should be used cautiously if there is a history or possibility of:
·         Pregnancy
·         History of blood clots
·         Valvular heart disease
·         Diabetes
·         Uncontrolled hypertension
·         History of breast cancer
·         Liver disease
·         Regular/reoccurring headaches

Taking other drugs such as penicillin and drinking alcohol can lower the efficiency of “the pill”.
Taking corticosteroids and beta blockers can put someone taking “the pill” at risk for toxicity, thus increasing the risks and effects.
Smoking can increase the risk of pneumonia caused by an embolism.
The four most dangerous side effects all involve the cardiovascular system, which includes your heart veins and arteries. 
·         Cerebral hemorrhage- Bleeding in the brain
·         Cerebral thrombosis- Blood clot in the brain. If it becomes an embolism can cause stroke.
·         Coronary Thrombosis- Blood clot in the coronary arteries, connected to the heart. If it becomes and embolism, it can cause a heart attack, and death.
·         Pulmonary Embolism- A Blood clot that has been released and has traveled to the lungs. Can cause severe drop in blood pressure, collapse, and death.  

These are things that I believe someone should know about before taking birth control, the information is there and all you have to do is ask your doctor. All of this information came from Davis Drug Guide, a book that you can purchase in Barnes and Noble. This is also information that you can just google. So why did Seventeen Magazine not put any hint of it in their article that was supposed to be about what you didn’t know about birth control…?  I just urge you to do your homework before taking any medicine, cause you never know if the side effects are something you want to risk. God made us the way we are and humanity has survived for thousands of years because of it. So why would you mess with the chemical balance that was made perfectly when the only thing that could go “wrong” is to end up pregnant?


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter!!!

Today is the day that sets us apart as Catholics. This past week is one of the most important ones in our Church. On Thursday we remembered the Last Supper where Jesus gave us his body and blood. Then on Friday we remembered the suffering he endured, the beating and crucifixion, brought onto him by his own people. If that was where the story ended, we would go out on a limb and say, that we could all be Jewish and Jesus would be a prophet. But that is not where the story ends. Three days after he was killed, he rose from the dead, to walk among people again. That is what sets him apart from any other prophet, this is what proves he is God. It was that one event that changed the course of history and the fate of our souls forever. Because He gave everything he could, plus some, we are able to be comforted with knowing that at the end of our days we will join along side him in the Kingdom of Heaven. So Happy Easter everyone, don't eat too much chocolate, and remember to be thankful for all the things we have because of what happend all those years ago today.

~Bridget and Caitlin

Thursday, April 5, 2012


The Reason is a blog that, we are hoping, will inspire and encourage all Catholics to live a faith filled life. We hope that you enjoy and will continue to return to read. The first post and writer introductions will be coming soon!

~The Reason Team